Managed Network

Network Defence

Effective steps that can be taken to anticipate and mitigate the risks for organizations.

However, there are effective steps that can be taken to anticipate and mitigate the risks for organizations both large and small. Whether it’s a spear phishing e-mail, command and control activity or attackers logging into your VPN with stolen user credentials we’ll tell you. And we do more than just alert you. We give you context, tell you how to respond and where threats belong on your priority list.

Network Hardening

Using a combination of encryption techniques combined with two-factor authentication platforms our ability to combine layers of network access control and stealth networking means attackers can be contained on breach or find access to your core networks unattainable.

Access Control

Network Access Control (NAC) is critical for companies who want to gain visibility and control over their networks, and automatically block the devices that should not be gaining access.
The Connect 16 NAC platform combines hardware and middleware platforms to give companies an extra layer of internal security to prevent unauthorized users, hackers, or malicious devices from accessing critical resources on their network.

Further reading